Gisela Stuart

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Gisela Stuart at the House of Commons, 30 October 2008, Chairing a Henry Jackson Society Event

Gisela Gschaider Stuart (born 26 November 1955) is a Labour Party member of Parliament for Birmingham Edgbaston and member of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. She is a trustee of the neoconservative think-tank the Henry Jackson Society. [1]

In the 2015 general election Stuart was re-elected with a majority of 2,706. [2]

In March 2016 the German-born Stuart was named vice-chair of the anti-European Union campaign group Vote Leave, alongside Conservatives Michael Gove and former London mayor Boris Johnson.

Memorable quotes

In October 2004 she became the only Labour MP to openly support the re-election of George W. Bush in that year's US Presidential election, arguing: 'you know where you stand with George and, in today's world, that's much better than rudderless leaders who drift with the prevailing wind.' [3]


References and Resources



  1. Charity Commission, The Henry Jackson Society for Democratic Geopolitics > Contact and trustees [Accessed 8 September 2010]
  2. Gisela Stuart Express, accessed 19 May 2015
  3. Patrick Hennessy, Anti-Kerry remarks by Labour MP put Blair on the spot,, 31 October 2004.