Nuclear rebuild: How the Different Newspapers Stack Up

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  • For

The Times - Argues that "nuclear energy is necessary to bridge Britain’s energy gap" [1]

The Daily Telegraph - Argues that "Nuclear must be part of Britain's energy mix". For too long, argues the Telegraph "Labour has been paralysed by an irrational fear of civil nuclear power ... Compared with fossil fuels, nuclear power offers clean energy whose provision is not over-dependent on volatile foreign suppliers. Compared with renewables, it has a proven record of substantial electricity production." [The Daily Telegraph (2005) Nuclear Must be Part of Britain's Energy Mix, 30 November, p21]

  • Against

The Independent - Argues that the "wrong decision has already been made". The paper argues that the government's threee month consultation "is simply the final stage of a public relations exercise designed to prepare the ground for a Prime Ministerial volte face on nuclear energy. It is a classic New Labour spin operation". [2]