Glevum Associates

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Revision as of 15:39, 19 October 2010 by Terhi Maria Sepanmaa (talk | contribs) (Ownership and Personnel)
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Gillian Opray Chris Fox Maria Sepanmaa Alan McCormack

Glevum USA is an American based "market research" company. [1]

Description of Glevum's Work


Ownership and Personnel


Andrew Garfield - is the founder of Glevum Associates. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag He has wide expertise in the fields of Counter Terrorism (CT), Counter Insurgency (COIN), Psychological Warfare (PSYOP), Information Operations (IO) and Strategic Communications (SC). He has worked both for UK Minstry of Defence and US department of Defence

Paul Serotkin - Executive Vice President, Operations and Finance

Alicia Boyd - Executive Vice President, Research Manages research and analysis at Glevum Associates

Colonel Jeff Haynes, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.) - Vice President, Business Development

Pascale Combelles Siegel - Senior Research Scientist

Laurie J. Adler - Senior Public Affairs Advisor

Links to the US Military

Chris Pages saved for later (recent) (biog of Andrew Garfield



"Glevum USA Website"


  1. "Glevum Associates - Why Glevum,", accessed 05 October 2010