Christians United for Israel

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<youtube size="tiny" align="right" caption="The Christians United for Israel Tour">mjMRgT5o-Ig</youtube> Established in 2006 with the "active assistance" of the Christian evangelical fundamentalist, Jerry Falwell,[1], Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is an US-based Christian-Zionist lobbying organization founded by John Hagee. The CUFI lobbies US congress to support Israel for biblical reasons. CUFI has focused the majority of its lobbying efforts on garnering support for Israeli settlement expansion on Palestinian territory and military action on Iran.[2] Hagee has stated that he would like to see CUFI become "the Christian version of AIPAC."[3]

Organizations Aims

Founded just months before Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 (during CUFI's banquet launch Hagee protested against calls for Israel to show restraint)[3], CUFI lobbies for US support of Israel because the Bible requires Christians to give unconditional support to Jews who are the "chosen people."[4] While Hagee once boasted about a message of support CUFI received from the Bush Administration during an event, CUFI's "action alerts" are now focused on pressuring the Obama administration to pursue better relations with Israel:

We need to act now to remind President Obama that what we share with Israel is deep and profound. We need to stand with the only democracy in the Middle East. We need to speak up for our vital ally in the struggle with militant Islam. We need to provide some perspective to an administration that seems to lack it.[5]

Officially, CUFI states 2 goals on its website:

  • "To educate Christians about the Biblical and moral imperatives about supporting Israel."[6]
  • "To Communicate Pro-Israel Perspectives to our Neighbors, Newspapers and Elected Officials."[6]


While CUFI claims to be the "largest pro-Israel organization in the United States"[6], some analysts argue that they are a distraction from the real pushers of a pro-Israel agenda in the US. According to former AIPAC staffer turned foreign policy analyst M.J. Rosenberg, CUFI is nothing compared to the "Jewish pro-Israel lobby" because the "right-wing Christians are Republicans. Israel tends to not even be their main issue; they have abortion and gay marriage higher on their radar. What makes the Jewish pro-Israel lobby more influential is that their people give their donations to anyone who is effective on the issue, Democrat or Republican. These people [Christian Zionists] are locked into Republicans."[3]


Key Members

CUFI on Campus

According to the CUFI on Campus website, the CUFI "actively develops politically-minded student leaders and equips them to become effective advocates for Israel on their college campus."[9]


Links and Resources


  1. David Brog, All Roads Lead to Jerusalem: The True Legacy of Dr. Jerry Falwell, OpEdNews, 1 June 2007
  2. Daniel Luban, [ "Pro-Israel Groups Push Back Against Settlements Policy"], IPS, 24 July 2009
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Max Blumenthal, "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism", The Nation, 8 August 2006
  4. PBS, "Transcript", Bill Moyers Journal, 5 October 2007
  5. CUFI Action Alert, Urge President Obama to end Crisis with Israel, CUFI Website, accessed on 9 September 2010
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Christians United for Israel, "About", CUFI Website, accessed on 9 September 2010
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Christians United for Israel, "CUFI Executive Board", CUFI Website, accessed on 8 September 2010
  8. Christians United for Israel, "CUFI Directors", CUFI Website, accessed on 8 September 2010
  9. CUFI on Campus, About, CUFI on Campus Website, accessed on 30 August 2010